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Emergency Preparedness

“The Pearl District Neighborhood Association webpage on emergency preparedness, a collaboration of Pearl District NET and PDNA E-Prep Committee, is the gold standard, and we recommend it to others in similar neighborhoods.”

-Glenn C. Devitt, Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) Administrator
Portland Bureau of Emergency Management

Our E-Prep Committee, led by co-chairs Gwen Dulley, Howard Ory, and Larry Rosenblum, has met quarterly since 2022.

  • Residential buildings in the neighborhood continue to share ideas and resources that have been helpful to their emergency preparedness committees.
  • E-Prep members have participated in the Pearl District Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) Citywide Deployment Exercises (CDE).
  • Outreach was initiated to buildings with vulnerable communities to assess what kind of assistance they might need in a major emergency.
  • PDNA E-Prep has assisted similar vertical communities, such as South Waterfront initiating their e-prep committees.
  • The materials and resources on the E-Prep webpage have been a great tool for those seeking information for their committees.

Meeting Details:

We meet the 2nd Monday of the quarter at 6PM

Meeting Location:

PNCA Hammer Conference Room, 511 NW Broadway, and by Zoom


E-Prep Tool Kit

Online Forum Materials

511 NW Broadway

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